Scroll below or click on each topic to learn more about Arvin's 200-point plan for MCPS
Universal Access to all Courses via Virtual Classrooms
Offering all courses online to all students across MCPS, in addition to regular in-person learning
Ensuring that over-enrollment does not prevent students from taking their desired courses
Ensuring that students can take all their desired courses, regardless of if their school offers it
Ensuring high-quality education in online courses
Working with Students to Create Diverse and Accessible New Courses
Streamlining the process of creating and piloting new courses
Ensuring that student voices are included in writing curricula
Increasing the number of schools in which new courses are offered
Offering courses online to be accessible to all students
Minimizing the required amount of prerequisite courses
Creating a diverse array of elective history and studies courses
Increasing the number of arts courses offered in each school
Inclusivity in Curriculum
Ensuring social studies and english courses are accurate and inclusive in content
Using diverse source materials in social studies and english classrooms
Providing students with a diverse array of options for content, literature, and materials for study
Regularly updating current courses and creating new courses based on student feedback to be inclusive
Providing diverse and accessible courses options modeled after the LGBTQ Studies and Asian American Studies courses
Requiring professional development for teachers and staff members to be create inclusive classrooms
Career Readiness Pathway Programming
Increasing and expanding career-specific training programs like the pathways offered at Thomas Edison High School and the Aviation and Aerospace Program
Ensuring that career readiness programming is equitable and accessible
Offering career readiness programing online to be accessible to students across MCPS
Promoting career readiness programming as well as career opportunities
Providing students with experience in respective career paths
Continuing and promoting Teacher Signing Day (signing MCPS Students to jobs within MCPS after college)
Comprehensive Health Curriculum
Updating and modernizing the health curriculum at all levels
Facilitating comprehensive education around mental health for students in elementary, middle, and high school
Including comprehensive education around consent in all schools
Require teacher sensitivity training for health educators
Ensuring that the health curriculum in inclusive to LGBTQ+ communities
Enforcing that updated curriculum is being taught and that health classrooms are safe spaces for all students
Teaching Real-World Skills
Improving current and creating new courses to be oriented towards preparing students with real-world skills including financial literacy and career preparedness
Increasing and expanding career-specific training programs like the pathways offered at Thomas Edison High School and the Aviation and Aerospace Program
Supporting the development of a required financial literacy course
Working with students to meet their educational needs
Minimizing Standard Testing
Transitioning away from relying on standardized testing
Using project-based assignments and student grades as metrics of learning, instead of adding on standardized testing
Ensuring that testing is minimized and does not disrupt student learning or access to resources in school
Prioritizing the mental health of students
Racial Equity
Using the findings of the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium’s Anti-Racism Audit on MCPS to find comprehensive solutions to racial disparities
Revising curricula to be more inclusive of communities of color
Hiring teachers and staff members who reflect the diversity of MCPS students
Disaggregating demographic data to uncover racial disparities
Requiring professional development, with student input, around racial discrimination and implicit bias for all teachers and staff members
Ensuring the the police (Community Engagement Officers) are completely removed from schools to prevent the continuation of disproportionate arrests of Black and Latinx students and students with disabilities
Implementing student-led anti-hate teaching in every elementary, middle, and high school to prevent incident of hate
Gender/LGBTQ+ Equity
Increasing the amount of gender neutral restrooms at every school
Ensuring that schools are providing and publicizing gender-neutral bathrooms
Providing students with the option to easily change to their preferred name on all platforms including StudentVUE and Canvas
Revising curricula to be more inclusive of LGBTQ+ communities
Ensuring dress codes and the enforcement of dress codes do not discriminate against any students
Ensuring that all bathrooms provide students with free menstrual hygiene products
Revising curricula to be more inclusive of womxn communities
Implementing student-led anti-hate teaching in every elementary, middle, and high school to prevent incident of hate
Opportunity Gap
Recognizing educational disparities between schools and demographics and prioritizing racial equity
Using the findings of the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium’s Anti-Racism Audit on MCPS to find comprehensive solutions to racial disparities
Creating equitable school boundaries so that a student’s zip code, socio-economic status, or race does not determine the quality of their education
Expanding free MCPS-provided tutoring to reach a greater amount of students
Translating all distributed MCPS materials in an increased amount of languages
Providing students with access to necessary technology including Chromebooks and internet routers
Support for Disabled and Neurodivergent Students
Ensuring that all MCPS schools and facilities meet and go beyond ADA compliance to be accessible to all students
Providing closed captions on all materials provided by MCPS
Ensuring that 504’s, IEP’s, and extended time accommodations are easily accessible and are being provided
Supporting the Learning for Independence program
Increasing Accountability in Schools for Incidents of Hate
Recognizing acts of hate and violence within MCPS
Implementing student-led anti-hate teaching in every elementary, middle, and high school to prevent incident of hate
Ensuring school administrations take student security concerns seriously and respond to them immediately
Increasing accountability for MCPS staff, teachers, and students
Professional Development and Teacher Education
Requiring professional development for teachers and staff members to be create inclusive classrooms
Using student input to create teacher-trainings around sensitivity
Ensuring that classrooms are safe for all students
Equitable School Boundaries
Prioritizing diversity and equity in creating new school boundaries
Closing the opportunity gap by ensuring that a student’s zip code, socio-economic status, or race does not determine the quality of their education
Working to solve issues of overcrowding and long travel times with new boundaries
Working with the local communities of students and families in creating new boundaries
Student Support
Hiring School Psychologists
Increasing the amount of school psychologists in every school
Providing access to meetings with school psychologists virtually when school is not in session (Summer/Winter Break, weekends)
Allocating a greater portion of the budget to mental health and hiring psychologists
Using funding from the old 3 million dollar School Resource Officer budget to hire more psychologists
Ensuring that the amount of psychologists meets the needs of each school’s population
Promoting school psychologists as a resource to the community
Ensuring that school psychologists are accessible to all students
Working with translators to serve every student’s mental health needs
Student Resources
Providing students with necessary resources in and out of the classroom
Expanding free MCPS-provided tutoring to reach a greater amount of students
Providing students with access to necessary technology including Chromebooks and internet routers
Expanding free transportation for students, outside of school hours
Providing free lunches and breakfasts to all students
Providing access to mental health support and meetings with school psychologists virtually when school is not in session (Summer/Winter Break, weekends)
Providing school clubs and student organizations with funding and grants from MCPS
Implementing wellness days every week
Mental Health Resources
Being proactive, rather than reactive, in prioritizing student wellness and mental health
Limiting the amount of assignments and tests that can be given at once
Hiring more school psychologists at every school
Implementing wellness days every week
Ensuring that mental health days are excused absences
Providing access to mental health support and meetings with school psychologists virtually when school is not in session (Summer/Winter Break, weekends)
Facilitating comprehensive education around mental health in the health curriculum for students in elementary, middle, and high school
Improving the Signs of Suicide presentation and ensuring that it is presented in every school
Wellness Wednesdays
Instituting a weekly wellness day in each school week
Preventing new assignments from being assigned on a designated wellness days
Preventing tests from being given on a designated wellness days
Prioritizing student mental health
Providing students with the opportunity to meet with teachers
Providing Free High-Dosage Tutoring
Using Covid-19 funding to make up for losses in learning via high-dosage tutoring
Expanding free MCPS-provided tutoring to reach a greater amount of students
Coordinating with tutors and teachers to best serve students who need help
Supporting ESOL Students
Translating all distributed MCPS materials in an increased amount of languages
Ensuring in-school opportunities are promoted to English Language Learner students
Requiring school administrations to be inclusive of all languages in community outreach
Resources for School Clubs and Student Organizations
Working to connect communities, clubs, and organizations across the county
Providing school clubs and student organizations with funding and grants from MCPS
Ensuring that schools are supporting the activities of communities, clubs, and organizations
Creating an simple process with minimal requirements for students to start clubs and organizations
Student Voice
Student Representation
Requiring that student voices are represented in all decision-making
Regularly updating current courses and creating new courses based on student feedback
Providing and promoting opportunities for student input
Creating and instituting a brief, standardized student feedback form given throughout the year
Collecting input on curriculum, student safety and wellness, school culture, and student support
Hosting community events, town halls, and forums open to all students
Collecting student feedback via a brief, standardized form given throughout the year
Community Events
Hosting community events including Board of Education town halls, forums, hearings, and stakeholder meetings
Coordinating outreach to plan forums at times and locations that are accessible to the community
Increasing accessibility by providing opportunities at locations across the county as well as offering a virtual option
Providing students and families with the opportunity to meet with MCPS decision makers to elevate their voices
Promoting community events and advocacy opportunities to every student in MCPS
Opportunities for Students
Hosting and promoting opportunities for student advocacy including Board of Education town halls, forums, hearing, and stakeholder meetings
Creating a SMOB Advisory Council open to all students to represent everyone’s needs
Providing school clubs and student organizations with funding and grants from MCPS
Creating and promoting opportunities to work within MCPS (Teacher Signing Day, Student Aides)
Working to register 100% of eligible student voters in MCPS
SMOB Advisory Cabinet
Building a team of students from every middle and high school in MCPS to assist the SMOB in representing the student voice
Working with a diverse group of students, representative of MCPS' student population
Host meetings in varying locations across MCPS open to all students
Student Life
Learning During Covid-19
Closing schools when necessary to protect students and staff
Creating safe and healthy environments in schools
Using funding to provide resources to recover losses in learning from Covid-19
Making virtual options for learning accessible for all students
Expanding access to vaccines and tests for all MCPS students
Prioritizing student physical and mental health
Supporting the MCPS Virtual Academy and providing online courses for students enrolled in their home high schools
Continuing to safely host school activities, virtual and in-person
School Safety
Prioritizing student mental health with outreach and resources
Ensuring school administrations take student security concerns seriously and respond to them immediately
Implementing transparent communication between the school and the community as security concerns unfold
Challenging the school-to-prison pipeline and creating a safe and welcoming environment for all students
Ensuring the the police (Community Engagement Officers) are completely removed from schools to prevent the continuation of disproportionate arrests of Black and Latinx students and students with disabilities
School Lunches
Providing free lunches and breakfasts to all students
Accommodating for all diets with more vegan and gluten-free options
Creating an open-campus policy during lunches at all high schools
Ensuring lunches are 45 minutes long at every school
Allowing students to use phones and other devices during lunch
Transparent Grading Policies
Creating fair and transparent grading policies
Communicating grading policies to students, families, and teachers
Allowing students to easily dispute unfair and inaccurate grades
Requiging grades to be entered quickly so students may see their grade before the end of each interim, quarter, and semester
Ensuring that teachers assign a grade no lower than 50 percent to a task or assessment
Staffing and Hiring
Hiring teachers and staff to reflect and meet the needs of MCPS students
Hiring a diverse team of teachers and staff to reflect the diversity of MCPS students
Continuing and promoting Teacher Signing Day (signing MCPS Students to jobs within MCPS after college)
Using funding from the old 3 million dollar School Resource Officer budget to hire more school psychologists in every school
School Renovations and the Capital Improvements Plan
Providing opportunities for community input in the Capital Improvements Plan
Prioritizing renovations for schools with poor infrastructure which impacts student learning
Ensuring that schools receive necessary renovations and that the Capital Improvements Plan is equitable
Increasing transparency in the process of planning school renovations
Developing a quicker response time to poor conditions in schools
Raising environmental standards in schools and MCPS facilities
Providing education about climate change and environmentally harmful practices
Minimizing the environmentally harmful material used in packaging in school lunches
Facilitating the transition towards an entirely electric bus fleet in MCPS
Facilitating the transition towards renewable energy in all MCPS facilities
Providing and maintaining water bottle filling stations, water fountains, and electric hand-dryers in all MCPS schools and facilities
Requiring all new MCPS schools and facilities built to rely on renewable energy
Ensuring that bus routes best accommodate for the needs of students
Hiring more bus drivers with higher wages and more support
Creating an app with the feature of tracking busses and arrival times
Working with the Montgomery County Council to accommodate student needs with free-access to the Ride On Bus
Expanding free transportation for students, outside of school hours
Maintaining safe environments in school busses
Facilitating the transition towards an entirely electric bus fleet in MCPS
Providing students with access to necessary technology including Chromebooks and internet routers
Providing universal access to resources via online textbooks and calculator programs
Offering all courses online to all students across MCPS
Supporting the MCPS Virtual Academy with the necessary resources
Improving current and creating new MCPS programs and applications
Ensuring that students can consistently and accurately check their grades online
Creating an app with the feature of tracking busses and arrival times
Streamlining communication between MCPS, schools, and families using technology